Luisa Géigel
"Sin Título [Desnudo]*" (1938)
"Sin Título [Desnudo]*" (1938)
Sculptor, painter, and teacher. Géigel was one of the first Puerto Rican artists to study in Europe and the United States. She first studied under Spanish painter José Mongrell at the Escuela de Bellas Artes in Barcelona, continuing her studies at the King-Smith Studio School in Washington, the Art Students League in New York under painter Robert Brackman, and the studio of Spanish sculptor José de Creeft. On her return to Puerto Rico in 1939, she made a great impact by being one of the first artists to portray the nude in her paintings. Her portraits and nudes are characterized by a mastery of color and line. Géigel also worked with small-scale sculpture. She was responsible for the creation of the Plastic Arts Division of the Ateneo Puertorriqueño. From 1958 until her retirement in 1986 she taught sculpture at the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras.