Martín García Rivera
"Intolerance" (1995)
"Intolerance" (1995)
Printmaker and painter. He studied at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in arts in 1983. He graduated in 1988 with a master’s degree from the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. He has been a professor at the UPR since 1993 where he teaches wood printmaking and metal engraving, as well as drawing. Xylography (woodcut) has been his main means of expression, and his work has been recognized with awards granted in Puerto Rico and foreign countries, including Sweden, Russia and Slovenia. When printmaking began to lose value among art buyers and institutions, García Rivera not only refused to change over to another medium, but transformed his work into unusually wide formats. Recently, he was awarded the Honorary Prize at the 10th Bitola International Graphic Art Triennial 2021 in the Republic of Macedonia for his contribution to the development of contemporary printmaking worldwide. The human figure always has been the focus of his work, and he uses it as a metaphor for different issues that concern him such as racial, political and religious identity and the psychological states that govern human life. His woodcuts have a dynamic character, of Expressionist gestures and strokes, despite the structure that the medium itself demands.