Ivonne Marcial
"Nocturnas*" (1994)
"Nocturnas*" (1994)
Photographer, graphic designer, and architect. Obtained a master degree from the University of Puerto Rico’s School of Architecture and took photography classes at the Institut Saint Luc in Belgium. Currently, she is Chancellor at Escuela de Artes Plásticas de Puerto Rico in San Juan. She has received a grant from the Permanent Fund for the Arts in San Juan (1995) and an award from En Foco, Inc., New York (1996). Through her photographs, which often deal with architectural subjects or landscape, Marcial attempts to draw connections between the subject, its many dimensions, and the photographer’s eye. She approaches the object-subject from unexpected angles and points of view, and she captures recognizable qualities of architectural spaces or the landscape while at the same time suggesting other visual and perceptual relationships, using elements such as repetition of shapes, diverse visual planes, abstract compositions, and exaggerated contrasts of light and shadow.