Poli Marichal
"Náufragos (Depredadores)*" (2003)
"Náufragos (Depredadores)*" (2003)
Printmaker, filmmaker and illustrator. Obtained a Bachelor's degree in Art with a concentration in Printmaking from Escuela de Artes Plasticas in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Afterwards, she finished a Master's degree in Art from the Massachusetts College of Art. Throughout her long career she has received several grants and awards of which, the Rockefeller Foundation Grant in 1992 and in 2008 a Grant from the Santa Monica Cultural Affairs Department in California, stand out. Her work has been exhibited both individually and collectively in biennials, fairs and galleries in the United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico and Europe. She is a founding member of Los de Abajo Printmaking Collective, an artist’s collective that has exhibited internationally. Her work combines Expressionism and Symbolism, Realism and Fantasy to create images that converge to generate a discourse on the human condition.