Melquiades Rosario Sastre
Morovis, Puerto Rico, 1953
Morovis, Puerto Rico, 1953
Sculptor, graphic artist and draftsman. Rosario received his artistic training at the Puerto Rico School of Plastic Arts (1975-1978) and at the Art Students League of New York (1981). In 1982, he founded the Puerto Rico Sculptors Association. In 1989, he was awarded the Pollock-Krasner grant. He has been a professor at the School of Plastic Arts, the Art Students League of San Juan and the University of Puerto Rico, he has also participated in artistic events in Puerto Rico and abroad, such as the Havana Biennial (1986) and the San Juan Poli/Gráfica Triennial (2004). In 2006, he received the prestigious grant from the Joan Mitchell Foundation and visited the Vermont Studio Center, where he gathered with artists of all media. He has created sculptures in a variety of materials, from wood to PVC plastic pipes and metal, but most recently has returned to wood as his primary medium. He makes drawings with unconventional methods, such as creating images by lifting layers of paper or tying pencils to remote-control toys that he drives over the base. In the field of sculpture, he is interested in exploring “intangible space as a contained void”.
“When sculpture became independent of architecture not only did it expect to extract itself from the slavery of an object inside another and dependent from the other, but to find the depth that the object does not have and of the dimensions of the tridimensional object which are not measurable in space, depth is infinite. This displacement from a place to being a place in space, took sculpture, as a logic consequence, to environmental installations, with all its diversities. If we think of the works of Carl Andre, his long track of wooden blocks, proposing distance as another dimension of the sculpture, or the long lines of stone by Richard Long, you will understand the logic of this thinking.
In this displacement towards space, we can see how the place and the space propel frontiers and limits not as that where something ends but where something starts to be what it is.
I understand vacuum as a contained space, not as scarcity but as creation, seen from the object and not from space itself.”
-Melquíades Rosario
1983- 1986
Pau-Llosa, Ricardo. García-Gutiérrez, Enrique y de Tolentino, Marianne “Melquíades Rosario Sastre: Dos Décadas” Catálogo de Exposición Retrospectiva: Museo de Antropología, Historia, y Arte, Universidad de Puerto Rico. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico y Viota Gallery, San Juan, Puerto Rico, febrero de 2005.
Rivera Matos, Rubén. “El Arte de Melquíades Rosario Sastre; Algunas Implicaciones Ideológicas”, Catálogo de Exposición Individual, Convento de los Dominicos, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico, abril de 1985.
Rivera Rosario, Nelson “El Arte de Melquíades Rosario Sastre”, Catálogo de Exposición individual, Voluntariado de las Casas Reales, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, abril de 1987.
Pérez Lizano, Manuel “Maderas con Filo”, Catálogo de Exposición Individual, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, septiembre de 1987.
De Tolentino, Marianne. “Melquíades Rosario o la Riqueza Visual y Conceptual de una Escultura Pobre”, Catálogo, exposición Individual, Galería Oller, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras , Puerto Rico, marzo de 1988.
Pau-llosa, Ricardo “Melquíades Rosario Sastre: De Materia y Tropos”, Catálogo, Exposición. The Chase Manhattan Bank, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, marzo de 1994.
“La Imaginación Quiástica en la Escultura e Instalaciones de Melquíades Rosario”, Catálogo, Primera Bienal Iberoamericana, Lima Perú, septiembre de 1997.
García Gutiérrez, Enrique, “Latin American Art in The Twentieth Century”, Phaidon Press, Editor; Edward J. Sullivan, 1996.
Routte- Gómez, Eneid “Conversando con Nuestros Artistas”, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Publicado Por El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, 1998.
Joung King,Jin. “Melquíades Rosario Sastre”, Revista de Arte “Art World” (Seúl, Korea), Núm. Vlll , agosto de 1988.
Pau-Llosa, Ricardo. “Melquíades Rosario Sastre: Space as Body”, Sculpture: International Sculpture Center, septiembre de 1997.
Pau-Llosa, Ricardo. “Beyond Tensión: Melquíades Rosario & The New Sculpture”, Southward Art: Latin American Art Review, (Florida, EU), marzo de 2002.
Pau-Llosa, Ricardo. “Melquíades Rosario Sastre: Cuando La Maestría Realmente Significa Algo”, Arte Al Día International, (Miami, EU), abril de 2005.
Álvarez -Lezama, Manuel. “Los Objetos de Rosario Sastre”, Diálogo-Zona Cultural, Publicación de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, (San Juan, PR), marzo de 2005.