• “Girl with Oranges”

    Date 1948
    Dimensions 11" x 7 1/2"
    Category Painting
    Medium Oil on wood panel
    Genre Portrait
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Francisco and Lourdes Arriví Collection, donated to MAPR by Joaquín and Olga Viso.
  • Daydreaming of love

    “Daydreaming of love”

    Date 1905
    Dimensions 14 1/8" x 24"
    Category Painting
    Medium Oil on wood
    Genre Scenes
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico Collection
    Acknowledgement Gift of: Sucesión Josefina Tió en memoria del Dr. Luis Ortega López Partial gift of: Dr. Nelson J. Meléndez, Norman Meléndez y Sra. Rosalina Brau
  • Study for an artistic decoration

    “Study for an artistic decoration ”

    Date s.f.
    Dimensions 17 1/4" x 23 1/4"
    Category Painting
    Medium Watercolor on paper
    Genre Scenes
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Archivo de Arquitectura y Construcción de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras Collection
  • Fine Arts Academy (architectural project)

    “Fine Arts Academy (architectural project)”

    Date 1912
    Dimensions 26" x 20"
    Category Drawing
    Medium Pencil on paper
    Genre Urban landscape
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Archivo de Arquitectura y Construcción de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras Collection
  • Untitled

    “Untitled ”

    Date n.d.
    Dimensions 8" x 10"
    Category Photography
    Medium Photography
    Genre Scenes
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Museo de Arte Dr. Pío López Martínez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Cayey Collection
  • Woman with child

    “Woman with child ”

    Date s.f.
    Dimensions 19" x 12 3/4"
    Category Drawing
    Medium Pastel on paper
    Genre Scenes
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Museo de Arte Dr. Pío López Martínez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Cayey Collection
  • Nearby Cayey with flame tree

    “Nearby Cayey with flame tree ”

    Date 1952
    Dimensions 11" x 15"
    Category Painting
    Medium Oil on canvas
    Genre Rural landscape
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Museo de Arte Dr. Pío López Martínez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Cayey Collection
  • Two gondolas

    “Two gondolas”

    Date 1907
    Dimensions 9 3/4" x 12 1/2"
    Category Drawing
    Medium Pencil on paper
    Genre Scenes
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Museo de Arte Dr. Pío López Martínez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Cayey Collection
  • Our daily bread (study)

    “Our daily bread (study)”

    Date 1905
    Dimensions 22" x 12 3/4"
    Category Painting
    Medium Oil on canvas
    Genre Scenes
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Museo de Arte Dr. Pío López Martínez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Cayey Collection
  • Sitting girl with scarf

    “Sitting girl with scarf”

    Date s.f.
    Dimensions 13 ½" x 9"
    Category Drawing
    Medium Pencil on paper
    Genre Portrait
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Museo de Arte Dr. Pío López Martínez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Cayey Collection
  • Still life with teaspoon

    “Still life with teaspoon”

    Date 1939
    Dimensions 8" x 10 3/4"
    Category Painting
    Medium Oil on canvas
    Genre Still life
    Period 20th Century
    Collection Museo de Arte Dr. Pío López Martínez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Cayey Collection

Ramón Frade

Cayey, PR, 1875 - 1954

Biography Details

Painter, architect, engineer, and surveyor. Frade was one of the first active painters in Puerto Rico in the early twentieth century. He spent the first years of his life in the Dominican Republic, where he studied art at the Escuela Municipal de Dibujo de Santo Domingo and was taught by French realist painter Adolphe Laglande. He also took classes in the studio of Dominican painter Luis Desangles in 1893. After living for some years in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, Frade returned to Puerto Rico in 1902 and later traveled throughout Latin America, France, and Italy. In 1927 he studied architecture by correspondence, although his constant profession was civil engineer and surveyor; his architectural work was rather limited. His artistic production is characterized by an academic realism through which he portrays the landscape and rural life of Puerto Rico. His representation of the campesino in the painting El Pan Nuestro (Our Daily Bread, 1905) has become an icon of Puerto Rican art.

Artist Statement

“Painter’s art technique pursues two different things: reproduce form through drawing and color through painting.  Form exists independent of color; color is not an integral part of form. Several objects could have the same color but only the form will differentiate them. Paint a canvas a pink color and no matter how perfect it is, without the drawing it will not convey the idea of a flower; meanwhile a simple sketch, no matter how imperfect, will always evoke form because the drawing is the shape of the painted work: it’s the science”.




  • Municipal Drawing School in Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


  • Institutor. Basic Education for Teachers’ (Normal) School, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


  • French company telegraphs’ school, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  • Apprentice with French painter Adolphe Laglande. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


  • Surveyor. At distance ( by mail). Universidad de  Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain


  • United States Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy


  • Architect. American School of Correspondence, Chicago, Illinois, United States

Professional Experience


  • Perpetuo Socorro Altar, (unfinished mural later destroyed). Cayey Parish Church,Cayey, Puerto Rico


  • Mural in Altar of Our Lady of Mercy. Cayey Parish Church, Cayey, Puerto Rico


  • Began his work in architecture. Cayey, Puerto Rico


  • Paints the ceiling of Colorado photography workshop (destroyed). Old San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • Decors Teatro Tacón (destroyed).  Havana,  Cuba


  • Works with photographer Julio Pou retouching photographic negatives. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


  • Cartoonist. The Pencil Newspaper, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


Solo Shows


  • Frade en la Liga, Cayey en San Juan, Liga de Estudiantes de Arte, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • Ramón Frade, conservación, restauración y proyección del legado, Museo de Arte Dr. Pío López Martínez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus, Cayey, Puerto Rico


  • La Casa Frade, Museo de Arte Dr. Pío López Martínez, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus, Cayey , Puerto Rico


  • Ramón Frade, exposición homenaje, Liga de Estudiantes de Arte, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • Exposición de dibujos de Ramón Frade, Casa del Arquitecto, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • Ramón Frade, Museo de Historia, Antropología y Arte, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • Exposición Don Ramón Frade, Galería Pintadera, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • Sin título (exposición de la pintura El pan nuestro), Secretaría de la Cámara de Delegados, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Group Shows


  • Interconexiones: Lecturas Curatoriales de la Colección del MAPR, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • Contexto puertorriqueño: del rococó colonial al arte global, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • Los tesoros de la pintura puertorriqueña, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • El santo en el arte puertorriqueño, Museo de Las Américas, Cuartel de Ballajá, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • Imágenes de la tierra, Pabellón de Puerto Rico en la Feria Internacional de Sevilla, Sevilla, España


  • De Oller a los cuarenta. La pintura en PR 1898-1948, Museo de Historia, Antropología y Arte, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico


  • Puerto Rican Painting Between Past and Present, The Squibb Gallery, New York, United States


  • La herencia artística en Puerto Rico, Museo del Barrio, New  York; Metropolitan,Museum of Art, New  York, United States


  • Dos siglos de pintura puertorriqueña, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Awards, Distinctions and Achievements


  • La Volteriana painting was admitted to the Paris Salon. Paris, France


  • Medal. Dominican Academy of History, Dominican Republic


  • Benemerenti Medal granted by Pope Pius XII. Italy


  • Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Museo de Historia, Antropología y Arte, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico    



Hermandad de Artistas Gráficos de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Arte e Identidad. San Juan, P.R.: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1998.

Los tesoros de la pintura puertorriqueña. Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico. San Juan, P.R. 2000.