Myrna Báez
San Juan, PR, 1931-2018
San Juan, PR, 1931-2018
Painter, printmaker and professor. After studying science at the University of Puerto Rico, she moved to Madrid in 1951 to study medicine, but opted to enter the Academy of Fine Arts in San Fernando. Upon her return to Puerto Rico, she joined the Printmaking Workshop of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture (ICP, by its Spanish acronym) in 1959. She became a professor at Sacred Heart University and the Students Art League of San Juan, was a founding member of the Brotherhood of Printmaking Artists of Puerto Rico and president of the Fine Arts Section of the "Ateneo Puertorriqueño". In 1997 the ICP awarded her the National Prize in Painting and in 2000 the Sacred Heart University conferred to her an honorary doctorate degree. She participated in numerous exhibitions, mainly in all of America, and in 2001 presented a retrospective exhibition of her work at the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico entitled “Myrna Báez: An Artist and her Mirrors”. She was a talented colorist who was well known for her vast technical experimentation in printmaking and painting. In these media she portrayed her intense approach to light through the representation of ambiguous interior spaces in which the human figure is transparently fused with the landscape.
“For over more than forty years Myrna Báez has produced a contemporary body of work with themes and styles enclosed in the most paradigmatic Puerto Rican and Latin American tradition. Through the insistent revisionism of the portrait genre, she has tried to reinterpret her surrounding reality; first, by describing the characters of her immediate environment, then, by reflecting upon the domestic environments in which they inhabit and on the alienating burden posed by everyday life. These portraits, in attitude of self-examination, inevitably wind up on occasional self-portraits. Her self-portraits affirm her own existence. She resorts to her self-image to overcome the worn out definition as Puerto Rican and female-artist.
The acute awareness about her domestic- familial environment and of herself gradually stimulates a close observation of her country, Puerto Rico. All of Myrna Báez’ work is enveloped with an intention to affirm one’s own. She reflects on the circumstances of each object, person and landscape she documents.
The artist expands the genre of portraiture while revising the traditional Puerto Rican landscape tradition. Her landscapes are portraits of her country. Through the windows included in her paintings, she reveals the multiple scenarios of the homeland, always transcending the stereotypes of the tropical island for tourists. Each landscape is like a piece of a puzzle. Shown together, the exhibition of many them will slowly reveal in detail the comprehensive island reality. Her works respond to the affirmation of an environment whose meaning has been systematically trivialized, simplified and stereotyped. The rectifying gaze of the artist will enrich Ours."
Source: Margarita Fernandez Essay, Myrna Báez: Una mirada ante su espejo, Boletín Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, year 4, number 4, October-December 2001.
Hermandad de Artistas Gráficos de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Arte e identidad. Coeditores Myrna Báez y
José Antonio Torres Martinó, Editorial de la Universidad Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1998.
Los tesoros de la pintura puertorriqueña, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2000
Myrna Báez: Una artista ante su espejo, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2001.
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Moreno, María Cristina. “Vistazo al mundo de Myrna Báez”. El Nuevo Día (San Juan, PR), 28 de junio de 1998.
Paniagua, Gloria. “Myrna Báez y sus treinta años de gráfica”. Claridad (San Juan, PR), 30 de septiembre al 6 de octubre de 1988, pp. 24-25.
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vol. 10, núm. 37, p. 10.
Puerto Rico: Arte e identidad. 16mm 58 min; Dirección, Sonia Fritz; Producción, Hermandad de Artistas Gráficos de Puerto Rico, 1991